Tarot  Video

King of Disks

The King of Disks

The King of the Earth and the Physical World weaves between dreams and the luxury of life.
Wealth, power and conscious and practical effort mixed with solid integrity have
brought the King the best things in life. He is a visionary, a ritualist and a warrior who succeeds.
He is a strong foundation, and a support with a long-reaching influence. He is a leader, a cordial
and polite speaker. He is wise, learned and above the law, in fact he IS the law.
Integrate then energy of the King of Disks for success in all endeavors, social, physical and educational.


"King of Disks"
Oil on canvas, 3.6 ft. x 2 ft., 2019.
An-Magrith Erlandsen

This image and all images on this website are invented and created by An-Magrith Erlandsen.
All images here are copyright and part of the Tarot of the Pomegranate trademark.
These are low resolution images and not appropriate for printing.
To purchase an original signed limited edition HR print of this image go to the Bazaar.



Copyright © An-Magrith Erlandsen.  Tarot of the Pomegranate ®. 1998/2021. All Rights Reserved.