Tarot  Video


The Tower

The Tower is a monument of all of the world's greed and arrogance, it stands tall and daunting in the landscape shadowing over the smaller dwelling in the background. But taller and more fearsome yet is the image of the great Kali goddess coming forth through the darkness like a thundering storm, holding the cup, disk, wand and sword of the four elements and striking through the tower with a bolt of higher spiritual awareness - crashing the tower and spewing forth its occupants. A being is in mid air turning into a frightenend rabbit as it falls to its certain death, while someone already lies in the burning grass below. A figure stands in the doorway watching in disbelief, still not aware of the danger involved and incoherently staying indoors where it is "safe". Blood flows from the landscape like a torrent of lava. The Tower symbolizes all that we believe to be true and solid is really only an illusion, a temporary distraction. Usually through only painful means do we reach this higher state of awareness.


"The Tower"
Oil on canvas, 3 ft. x 5.2 ft., 2000.
An-Magrith Erlandsen
This image and all images on this website are invented and created by An-Magrith Erlandsen.
All images here are copyright and part of the Tarot of the Pomegranate trademark.
To purchase an original signed limited edition HR print of this image go to the Bazaar.



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