Major Arcana Tarot Deck

Oil on canvas, 3 ft. x 5.2 ft., 2000.
An-Magrith Erlandsen

The Lovers are being torn apart by the physical presense of Death. The towers of the Moon remind us of a new passage through darkness.
The journey of transformation is life and death, passages through time and bodies, symbolized by the bleeding graveyard.
We need not go on forever in the darkness, there is always opportunity here to expand into new levels of awareness.
 In a relationship one may be ready to grow while the other is willing to go to unbelievable extremes not to as we see in the male's eyes sewn shut.
The female may play the game for a little while, but she knows her blindfold comes off easily, and she is ready to see the Eclipse, which symbolizes great Change/Death.
This may be a time of turmoil or glory, you choose.



Hands of Kali with Death, 2004, Seattle.

Photo by Poul Costinsky


Death by Gustav Vigeland

Vigeland Skulptur Park Oslo, Norway





























Copyright © An-Magrith Erlandsen.  Tarot of the Pomegranate ®. 1998/2021. All Rights Reserved.